Contact Us!
What to Expect
During our first meeting, Morgan Morrow will ask questions about you, your business and your pain points. The answers to these questions will guide our conversation toward tailored solutions to meet your current needs.
We work hard to meet our clients “where they are.” If they want to set up a tailored QuickBooks solution and learn how to enter transactions, we can set things up and provide training. If there is simply too much to be done within the business and something needs to be taken off your plate, we are happy to take over the bookkeeping tasks you find burdensome.
Once your immediate concerns are resolved, we are happy to continue tailoring our services. If you get training and later decide you are too busy, we are happy to take over bookkeeping tasks. If we initially take over bookkeeping tasks and you later find you have capacity or an office manager who wants to learn bookkeeping, we are happy to provide any training necessary and help you transition bookkeeping tasks in-house.
Morgan Morrow’s staff finds great joy in helping our incredible small business owners and doing what we can to improve their lives. Making a difference in their lives makes our days quite satisfying! We look forward to talking with you.